The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Command and Control Mobilising System (CCMS)
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Background - Functions
11. A FRS control room requires a number of capabilities to operate. On a basic level these are:
- Calls for assistance
Traditionally the FRS would receive calls for assistance by telephone. Caller identity can be associated with location awareness. Automated searching can identify history or risk information where stored, or location can be displayed and there is potential for incorporation of geocodes. Looking forward, there may be the potential for situational awareness such as visual footage from camera phones to assist with mobilising and informing attending crews.
- Mobilising of resources
The control room system needs to know the location and availability of resources. FRS resources have become more complex with specialist attributes being developed in response to changes in risk and the role of the FRS. A resource based mobilising system will identify the resources with the necessary attributes that are best placed to attend, based on availability, location and journey time.
- Communicating with resources
Traditionally communication is by radio, using voice or data. Though having other communication channels with real time information available to resources may obviate the need for control staff to respond to requests.
- Statistics, analysis and audit reporting
A reporting function will facilitate these.
- Future needs
A system might have the ability to be modified and adapted within its lifespan to accommodate changes or additions to functionality, though it may be difficult to know what demands and changes the future may bring.