Training of the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service's retained duty system personnel: HMFSI inspection report
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6 Recommendations
The recommendations contained in the body of this report are listed here for ease of reference but should be read together with the appropriate sections.
6.1 Initial training
The SFRS should consider the personal impact on new-entrant RDS firefighters attending their initial TTM and BA training courses and review:
1. alternative venues to deliver the training;
2. the current timescales allocated for the training;
3. the course content and methods of delivery;
4. the involvement of RDS firefighters in course design;
5. the time taken in some locations to complete the remainder of the RTC operators' course where relevant; and
6. the extent that all training centres teach to the national policy and procedures (but recognising the need for variations, due to the availability of differing equipment).
6.2 Maintenance of skills
The SFRS should consider:
7. the content and relevance of RDS TfOC packages, and amend accordingly;
8. engagement with RDS staff when developing TfOC packages in the future;
9. the availability and suitability of IT resources at RDS stations to support training;
10. reviewing the method for assessing competence; and
11. the delivery of more practical training for RDS staff with a reduction in theory content.
6.3 Specialist skills
Driver training
The SFRS should consider:
12. providing LGV driving courses in remote and Island locations to minimise the personal impact to RDS staff;
13. using third party providers to deliver LGV training; and
14. delivering EFAD training courses on remote Islands to reflect topography and risk.
High reach appliance training
The SFRS should:
15. ensure RDS firefighters are able to maintain both their core skills and high reach operational competence; and
16. consider crewing the high reach appliance with members of staff using a different crewing model.
6.4 Incident command training
The SFRS should:
17. provide initial ICL1 command courses for RDS staff with IC responsibilities;
18. provide alternative venues and delivery methods for the initial ICL1 command course; and
19. develop a quality assurance process for the delivery of ICA and ICL1 courses.
6.5 Other observations
The SFRS should:
20. review the current arrangements across the Service for RDS training support and the standard of training being delivered, and where relevant, share good practice;
21. consider introducing optional RDS manager seminars across the Service to enhance the opportunities for networking, practical training and learning (though we acknowledge the issues raised in this report about the demands on RDS staff to attend training events); and
22. utilise the exit interview process with RDS staff to better understand their reasons for leaving in order to implement improvements to the RDS duty system training environment.