Inspection of the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service West Service Delivery Area
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Recommendations and Good Practice
Recommendation 1: We recommend that the Service provides clarity on the expected business planning processes to be adopted in the coming years, and how they should align to the Good Governance Framework. All agreed processes should then be reinvigorated and clearly communicated across all SDAs.
Recommendation 2: We recommend that the Service reviews the impact of the Chief Officer’s fund being removed within the WSDA and that guidance is provided to all staff as to how this resourcing should be replaced.
Recommendation 3: We recommend that the Service reassess the impact of High Rise OAVs on capacity and explore the concept of a risk based inspection approach that embraces safety and assurance whilst not being overly burdensome.
Recommendation 4: We recommend that the WSDA review the hazards within their area and confirm that specific operational procedures have been developed, if it is deemed that they are not covered entirely by generic standard operational procedures.
Recommendation 5: We recommend that the Service review its Fire Appliance Driver and Specialist capacity in the WSDA to understand the areas of most pressure and apply mitigation, which allows firefighters to practice variety in the role on a more regular basis.
Recommendation 6: We recommend that the Service reviews the WSDA Fire Station condition surveys to understand the areas of most pressure regarding dignified facilities and contaminants to explore any possible interim mitigation measures.
Recommendation 7: We recommend that the Service resolves the RAAC roofing problems at the affected stations as a matter of urgency.
Recommendation 8: We recommend that the Service review the existing practices and processes within the WSDA for property maintenance with the Central Property partner in order that increased local administration and responsibility of property be explored.
Recommendation 9: We recommend that the Service review the existing practices and processes within the WSDA for vehicle management with the Central Fleet partner in order that increased local administration and responsibility of vehicles be explored.
Recommendation 10: We recommend that the Service reviews the existing practices and processes for equipment provision and maintenance within the WSDA with the Central Equipment partner in order that increased local administration and responsibility of equipment can be realised.
Recommendation 11: We recommend that the Service standardise the recording of equipment testing with a national electronic system as soon as possible.
Recommendation 12: We recommend that the Service reviews the existing BA provision within Volunteers Stations to satisfy itself that training, testing and maintenance is being conducted to an acceptable standard and that the capability can be deployed safely within existing policy and operational guidance.
Recommendation 13: We recommend that the WSDA reviews the existing SWaH provision within D&G and develop an improvement plan for consistent maintenance of skills and service delivery.
Recommendation 14: We recommend that the Service investigate the application of the national laundry contract processes and look to explore improvements within the WSDA.
Recommendation 15: We recommend that the Service completes its review of the Functional Management structure within JOC to ensure staff are being supported and operational preparedness is being delivered in the most efficient and effective way.
Recommendation 16: We recommend that the WSDA should seek to strengthen and improve the operational and managerial links to JOC to improve operational preparedness and delivery.
Recommendation 17: We recommend that the Service should review its consultation and liaison process to ensure that the staff at JOC are provided with enough ‘lead’ time to prepare and train for policy and procedural changes.
Recommendation 18: We recommend that the Service should review its consultation, communication and liaison process to ensure the staff and partners are fully engaged in future substantial change processes.
Recommendation 19: We recommend that the Service should review its current partnership commitment within the WSDA to gauge its investment in capacity and resources versus the added value to outcomes provided for the Service and the communities it serves.
Recommendation 20: We recommend that the Service should conduct a review of its leadership and management development processes to provide a national standard and syllabus for delivery at all levels.
Recommendation 21: We recommend that the Service should review the national recruitment standards and T&Cs with a view to exploring, developing and implementing pragmatic and alternative solutions for local recruitment.
Recommendation 22: We recommend that the Service review its engagement strategy with a view to improving the visibility of Strategic Management at local level.
Recommendation 23: We recommend that the Service review its management and governance structure with a view to identifying improvements, which would give staff more local responsibility, autonomy and flexibility.
Recommendation 24: We recommend that the WSDA reviews its delivery of Core Skill TFoC training with improvement in completion at VDS stations deemed a priority.
Recommendation 25 We recommend that the Service review its delivery of core skill refresher training with improvement in WSDA BA Compartment Fire and Tactical Ventilation courses and all skills at VDS stations deemed a priority.
Recommendation 26 We recommend that the Service review its delivery of specialist skill refresher training with improvement in WSDA Heavy Rescue and USAR required.
Recommendation 27 We recommend that the Service review the provision of TSFF training and explore the delivery of WSDA acquisition and refresher courses in the future.
Recommendation 28 We recommend that the Service implement and resource the new Training Vision and Strategy in its entirety, in order that both historic and contemporary areas of improvement be upgraded and that evaluation of this be completed.
Recommendation 29 We recommend that the Service review the implementation of OA policy and practice within the WSDA in order that improvement and development of local and organisation learning be realised.
Good Practice 1: We were very pleased to observe innovative community safety initiatives. Staff in the WSDA should ensure that safety initiatives are recognised and that ideas are shared within the rest of the SDA and across the Service.
Good Practice 2: We were very pleased to observe proactive management and development of BCMPs for each of the workplaces within the WSDA.
Good Practice 3: We were very pleased to observe proactive management of On-Call Availability and examples of innovative local staffing solutions, such as the increased use of dual staffing, which made the system more user friendly.
Good Practice 4: We were pleased to observe the development of the Asset Management Policy and SAMPs as they provide clearer direction with regards to future asset investment, development and review requirements.
Good Practice 5: We were very pleased to observe the development of a comprehensive exercise and planning schedule within one LSO area. We believe that this is a good development and the Service should consider that all areas in the WSDA adopt the practice.
Good Practice 6: We were very pleased to observe that the staff movement process within the WSDA was very successful and was applied with no recourse to grievance. We believe it would be worth debriefing this process in the WSDA to capture learning for any future modernisation issues that require staff movement.
Good Practice 7: We were very pleased to observe that areas in the WSDA had funded and delivered development session for Supervisory and Middle managers, which had been very well received. We believe it would be worth developing these sessions further across all areas, in support of a national syllabus and program being developed.